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At Home Exercises To Help Ease Your Joint Pain

Working from home is not the only thing that has increased in popularity. You can also boost your exercise from home to improve your fitness and overall health. This is good news if you’re looking for at-home exercises that alleviate joint pain. Let’s look at some exercises that you can do at home to relieve joint pain.


If you’re dealing with joint pain, walking is one of the best things you can do. The excellent thing about walking is that it’s low-impact, so the exercise will be kinder on your hip and knee joints. In addition, walking involves a natural movement, and it’s easy to pace yourself based on your fitness level. That’s why it’s usually recommended to start with walking if you have been sedentary and would like to start being more active. If you have a treadmill at home, you can start slow and gradually increase the amount of time you walk to at least 150 minutes of moderate activity. Doing this can potentially boost your mood while improving muscle strength, posture, and balance.


Cycling is one of the best exercises you can do without placing undue stress on your joints and causing more damage. Today, it’s possible to find a quality exercise bike that enables you to cycle daily in the comfort of your own home. When you cycle regularly, it’s possible to improve muscle function and your overall health, which goes a long way towards easing joint pain. Like walking, cycling also burns a significant amount of calories and is a great tool for weight control. In turn, managing your weight helps to relieve joint pain.


Pilates offers many health benefits, including relief from joint pain. Best of all, it’s easy to find space in your home where you can perform Pilates. As always, if you’re suffering from joint pain, you’re better off doing low-impact exercise that won’t put additional stress on your joints. Fortunately, Pilates helps improve your balance by improving your core postural muscles. However, it’s important to seek professional guidance before doing Pilates at home.

According to research, roughly 25% of Americans deal with joint pain. Fortunately, you can find some relief at home by doing these exercises. Finding relief from joint pain can also have a positive impact on other aspects of your life, such as sleep. Please get in touch with us if you would like to know more about alleviating joint pain.